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Tutorial 1: Vendor Registration on Emall

Step 1:

Click Register Now on the pop up that appears in the middle of the screen 

Option to Step 1

You can get to the registration page by also clicking on any “Register Now” button you see on the Home page or on the top of your screen.

Step 2:

On the Log in and Registration page click on “Register”.

Step 3:

Click on the small circle button before “I am a Vendor”

Step 4:

Make sure to fill out all the required information and click the box before “I agree to the terms and conditions”

Step 5:

On the Check out page, fill out all the necessary Billing information and select a package you would like to purchase and click on “Place Order”.

Step 6:

Click “Continue Shopping” to go to your Account Page

Step 7:

From your Account Page, you can click on “Continue to Vendor Dashboard”

Step 8:

You have made it to your Dashboard. You can also navigate here easily by clicking “Dashboard” from the top menu once your registration is complete. 

If this is your first time you may see “Error: Your Account is not Enabled for Selling…”, this is because the admin of the website have not approved your account yet so please wait and check again later.

Also please check your email to get updates and your lo in password.

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